Sunday, September 20, 2015

Four Winds & Other Fun

This Friday, we had our first Four Winds program!  

Parent volunteers came into our classroom to teach us about nature.  This week, we learned about insect life cycles.  We learned that caterpillars and grasshoppers are both insects that go through many stages (changes).  They both eat a lot and grow and change.  We watched a puppet show and then explored our school's garden for insects.  Thank you to our parent volunteers!  We enjoyed our time with you learning about nature.

Later that day, we  wrote recorded our new learning in our  Four Winds Science journals.  We are real scientists - observing and recording what we see and learn!

As a follow-up activity, we created "butterfly life cycle" posters.  These went home in folders on Friday.  Ask your child to tell you about the life cycle of a butterfly!

Literacy - 

We read many books about insects in preparation of our Four Winds lesson.  Through our reading we learned a lot about insects:

  • insects hatch from eggs
  • butterfly/caterpillar eggs can be found on leaves
  • dragonfly eggs are in the water
  • a dragonfly hatches out as a nymph
  • baby insects eat and eat and grow and grow
  • we eat and grow too
  • insects change as they grow (metamorphasis)
  • we grow and get bigger, but we don't change like insect do

We compared and contrasted our learning about butterflies and dragonflies using a simple Venn diagram.  The common core for kindergarten information text states:  

With prompting and support, identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).


Our focus has been on letter knowledge.  We are looking closely at the shape of letters so we can sort them by distinctive features.  We have sorted magnetic letters by color, those with holes, those with no holes, letters with curves, letters with straight sticks, etc.  By handling magnetic letters, children can notice their parts and how they are different from one another.  Once the children can identify each letter, they can begin to match letters with the sounds they represent.

Word Wall:

We now have the following words on our word wall:  a, I, see, children's names, color words.
We are utilizing the word wall by "borrowing" a word from the wall when we need it to copy for our writing.  


Our primary focus continues to be counting, counting, and more counting.  We are learning to represent quantity in many ways:  on fingers, with objects, as tally marks, and on ten frames.  Interwoven into our math work, we have been building upon the understanding and concepts of:
  • what comes just after
  • more vs less
  • subitizing (recognizing dot patterns automatically)
  • counting to tell the number of objects

Common Core standards associated with out work:

    Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
    When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object.
    Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Latest Happenings

Lot's has happened in the past 2 weeks!

We have made circle maps of letters we are focusing on for letter formation, sound association, and identification:


We have been having a blast learning about our friends through Star of the Day!

We are learning about our world as we explore high interest, non-fiction books in Readers Workshop.

We are author's and illustrators in Writer's Workshop!

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

First Day 2015!

Wow!  We did it!  We had an exciting and fun first day of Kindergarten.  Some of the things we learned and did:

  • Breakfast & lunch  (food is important!! :)
  • We learned that our teachers and ALL adults in the school have a Number One Job:  To Keep Us Safe!
  • Played name games
  • Had our first day of school picture taken
  • Had our first Morning Meeting
  • Enjoyed two stories:  My First Day of School by P.K.Hallinan  & Froggy Goes to School by Jonathan London
  • Wrote our names
  • Drew a first day of school self-portrait
  • Made frog headbands!
  • Played with our new classmates using wooden blocks, cars and a car mat, coloring
  • We are learning how to walk quietly and safely in the halls.
  • We learned about our new take home folders and how they go home in our backpacks, and back to school everyday.
  • Some of us got picked up by family members at the end of the day and some of us rode the bus.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Superstar Cape!

To start the year off, my Kinders and I do a super fun lesson:

Star of the Day!

Each child has a special day all their own!  During this day, each student gets to be interviewed by the class so that we can get to know them better.  Our interview asks students:
1.  What is your name?
2.  What is your favorite color?
3.  What do you LOVE to do?

The teacher, (me!) records this information on a large chart all the while demonstrating letter formation, good spacing between words, moving across the page left to right, and return sweep! The interview poster is then used as a shared reading while the teacher (me again!) demonstrates voice-print matching to each word with a large pointer.  Each student's poster will be re-read several times by the entire class before going home.

The student who was interviewed illustrates their Star of the Day poster during the next morning's discovery time.  

I got a super cool pair of star sunglasses for FREE this summer (score!) which the Star of the Day will get to wear during their interview!

AND.....are you ready for it?   I made a Super Duper Star Cape for the Star of the Day to wear!  (Applause!)  I found a very easy pattern online by Sherry Sylvester at threadridinghood.  You can use it too by clicking here.

Here are some pictures of my cape's creation and the final SUPER STAR CAPE being modeled by my daughter!

I am super star excited for this lesson!!  The kids always love being the Star of the Day! 

Oh yeah, and it addresses many, many Common Core standards too:

Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
Understand that words are separated by spaces in print.
Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.

Phew!  That's a wrap!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sunday Get to Know me Link Up

Once again I am linking up with The Tatooed Teacher for a Sunday Get To Know Me Link Up.

I rarely will wear jeans.  Even on dress down days.
I love earrings, especially seasonal or colorful ones.
I don't have a clue what JZ's or Conan's even are!!!
Definitely gold, possibly gold and silver mix.
Country for sure - large crowds creep me out.
Online - convenience reasons really....when you live in a place that is quite rural and the nearest Walmart is a 45 minute drive away AND winter driving is 10 months of the year, well, you get it.
Showers.  Baths take too long for me.
I am an open book.  I probably drive people nuts by telling them more than they want to know!
I am a homebody all the way.  I HATE to travel.  I mean HATE.  My favorite vacation = stay-cation!
Dinner - I have a bad habit of skipping breakfast.  (oops)
Coffee - If this counts as breakfast, ignore the previous bullet.  I LOVE coffee.  A dash of cream, no sugar please!
Early bird - I think it may be physically impossible for me to do what others consider sleeping in.  Sleeping in for me means getting up at 6 am.
Done up - nothing extreme, but a little eye makeup and lipstick is a must.
Thunder over lightening, but really, I don't like either.
Flats.  Period.
Car.  Did I mention I hate to travel?
Girls. - I don't really get what this choice is asking of me, so I just chose one.
Central Air.  Love my AC!

Linky Party!!! Bulletin Boards!!!

This Link Up stuff is new to me, so please have mercy!

I may have linked up the wrong dates or something.....I am working on it! 

Phew!  Ran to my room, and have some bulletin boards to share.
First up is my Math Wall:  Hover over the picture, than over any of the black dots in the image below to learn more!

Frame for picture taking of each child on day 1!

Letter Linking chart and letter focus wall.

Word wall - I love purple!
This year I am going to re-vamp how I do jobs....from 5 to 1!  I will have 1 student of the day which will rotate all year long.  I am looking forward to easier job management with this one!  No more asking and checking to answer question like: "Who is the lights person today?"

I am also going to utilize the 'new-to-me' idea of Brag Tags.  BUT....I want a different name (I am not especially fond of using the word brag.)  Suggestions welcome!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What Worked Well Linky

Today I am joining my friends at Kinder Tribe for a What Worked Well link-up!

Line up dots!

I LOVE them!  I use a self-adhesive vinyl sheet.  Mine are about 5 and a half inches in diameter and were cut by my daughter using a Cricut machine.

Why use dots?  Well, here a a few reasons:
  • They add a great POP of color....and I LOVE color....the more the better!
  • They give kids a good sense of proper space. 
  • They can can be written on.  I write numbers on mine in black permanent marker.  (I did have to touch them up a few times throughout the year.)
  • They last!  Seriously.  I did not have to replace a single dot all year long.  
  • They come in lots of colors.  
  • They remove easily.  I was a tiny bit worried that I would be chased down the janitorial staff if those suckers stuck too tight....but VOILA!  They peeled off like magic!  

This year, I have moved into a new room, and I already have the dots down.  (Insert your own happy teacher dance here!)

If you try the dots in your classroom this year, or want to know more, leave me a comment!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Parent's Update: Beginnings, Birthdays, & Best Wishes

Welcome Parents!  I am very excited to be your child's kindergarten teacher this year.  Kindergarten is such a fun, exciting, learning filled year!  I am sure you will have many questions along the way.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me!  I am here to help.


Summer is almost over.  It is almost time for the school bells to ring again!  Your child's first full day of school will be August 26.....only 29 days away!  GULP!

In case you did not remember, or misplaced an earlier mailing, K students will come in with their parents for scheduled 20 minute appointments on August 25th.  Please call the school to schedule your appointment if you have not yet done so.  

Mid-August your child will be receiving a letter in the mail from me!  Be watching for this important letter!

School supplies - 

Many parents often want to know about supplies their child will need for school.  Here are my 2 basics for the beginning of kindergarten: 

1.  Bookbag -The bag should be large enough for a regular sized folder and extra supplies your child may need to carry.  ie: snack, cold lunch, sneakers for gym class, returned library books, extra mittens, etc.

2.  A complete set of clothing for your child in a sealed plastic bag.  All articles of clothing should be clearly marked with your child's name, as well as having your child's name on the outside of the bag.  I recommend a large ziploc bag.  This bag of extra clothing will stay at school in your child's cubby.  I will send it home with your child over long breaks so that you can change the clothes out if needed.


Birthdays are very special celebrations for kindergartners.  In our class, we celebrate together with cupcakes or cookies sent in by parents.  Please contact me as your child's birthday approaches so we can make arrangements.  
No cake and ice cream please - finger food only. 

Best Wishes for a Great Start:  

Parents and students alike can be filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness on the first day of kindergarten.  My goal is to help make this the best transition possible.  I will do my very best to ensure your child is off to a great start. 

On Wednesday, August 26- First Day of Kindergarten- Kindergarten teachers will meet their students near the playground door and lead them to their classrooms. This gives parents a perfect opportunity to wish students well before we begin our day at 8:15. It makes for a smoother transition if you separate from your child by this time. Thank you for your help!

Be looking in your child's bag for their new take-home folder. This folder will travel between home and school almost every night.  Be sure to check this folder for student work and other important papers.  Please establish a routine with your child of emptying the folder each night it comes home and returning the folder to your child’s book bag so that it is returned to school the following day.

See you on August 25th!

Get to Know Me

I am Linking up with The Tattooed Teacher for a Get to Know Me Linky.

I love that this is a fast and simple check Yes or No sheet!  

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday Scoop 7-26-15

Sunday...the day to rest and reflect.  And time to post my first ever Sunday Scoop!  I am linking up with The Teaching Trio for their totally fun Sunday Scoop linky party!

With this link-up, You use a  3-2-1 organizer to tell others about your upcoming week. 3 things you HAVE to do, 2 things you HOPE to do, and 1 thing you're HAPPY to do.
Here's what my week looks like:

1.  HAVE TO:
* I can't beleive that this 6 week math course is over already!  YIKES!  All the work is done except to provide feedback on other's final projects.   WOW.  6 weeks.  How did that happen?
* I really really really want to get better at maintaining my blog.  I am hopefull all my new networking will help motivate and push me to continue.
* Ahhhh. Periscope.  I have been trained to run for the sweet little whistle on my phone.  Sad, but true.  Who would have ever thought that such short little share outs by other teachers could make such an impact?  Love, love, love Periscope.  You can follow me @youngskinders  

* Ok, I admit it.  I maybe, sort of, like to start "craft" projects and then tend to lose interest.  Ooops.   I have an aphgan that really should be finished by the middle of August. (It is supposed to go off to college!)  And, well, I have not been very faithful to working on it.  Maybe this online confession will help me pick those needles back up?
Image result for knitting needles and yarn 

Having the opportunity to be near the lake is always a blessing.  The weather man is saying nice things to me like 80+ degree weather for hte next few days, so yeah, I AM HAPPY TO!