Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday Scoop 7-26-15

Sunday...the day to rest and reflect.  And time to post my first ever Sunday Scoop!  I am linking up with The Teaching Trio for their totally fun Sunday Scoop linky party!

With this link-up, You use a  3-2-1 organizer to tell others about your upcoming week. 3 things you HAVE to do, 2 things you HOPE to do, and 1 thing you're HAPPY to do.
Here's what my week looks like:

1.  HAVE TO:
* I can't beleive that this 6 week math course is over already!  YIKES!  All the work is done except to provide feedback on other's final projects.   WOW.  6 weeks.  How did that happen?
* I really really really want to get better at maintaining my blog.  I am hopefull all my new networking will help motivate and push me to continue.
* Ahhhh. Periscope.  I have been trained to run for the sweet little whistle on my phone.  Sad, but true.  Who would have ever thought that such short little share outs by other teachers could make such an impact?  Love, love, love Periscope.  You can follow me @youngskinders  

* Ok, I admit it.  I maybe, sort of, like to start "craft" projects and then tend to lose interest.  Ooops.   I have an aphgan that really should be finished by the middle of August. (It is supposed to go off to college!)  And, well, I have not been very faithful to working on it.  Maybe this online confession will help me pick those needles back up?
Image result for knitting needles and yarn 

Having the opportunity to be near the lake is always a blessing.  The weather man is saying nice things to me like 80+ degree weather for hte next few days, so yeah, I AM HAPPY TO!

1 comment:

  1. People keep mentioning Periscope and it's getting me intrigued. I don't think I would want to post/host videos, but watching them sounds good. Sitting at the lake sounds lovely. Thanks for sharing.
    @ Wiley Teaching
